Nakatane Town Noise Pollution

Note: The information on this page was translated from English to Japanese using Google Translate.
注: このページの情報は、Google 翻訳を使用して英語から日本語に翻訳されています。

For three years we lived in the Nishino District of Minamitane Town on Tanegashima Island. The town broadcast sound chimes daily at 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 pm, 3:00 pm, and 5:00 pm. There were no broadcasts of public announcements most likely because our house was too far from the center of town. We found these sound chimes to be very annoying and planned to file a complaint with Minamitane Town but then ended up returning to America before the complaint was filed.


About six months later, we returned to Tanegashima and moved into our recently purchased home in Nakatane Town. We soon were subjected to, not only daily sound chimes, but to the broadcast of daily announcements. The sound chimes begin even earlier in Nakatane Town. The sound chimes are at 7:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 pm, 3:00 pm, and 5:00 pm. This is awful enough but now we are also subjected to daily announcements. The announcements are broadcast daily over loudspeakers at 7:30 am and 7:30 pm and often several additional announcements are broadcast throughout the day. The announcements are loud, very annoying, and often pertain to a very small percentage of the local population. For example there was a message about job openings for two school cooks at the Nakatane Town office and instructing anyone interested to submit a resume. There are even announcements about farmers markets. The most annoying announcements are during school vacations when students are instructed every day at 5:30 pm to return home. The announcements are loud and annoying. The announcements are broadcast at least twice per day.

それから約半年後、私たちは種子島に戻り、最近購入した中種子町の家に引っ越しました。私たちはすぐに、毎日のチャイムの音だけでなく、毎日のアナウンスの放送にもさらされるようになりました。中種子町ではさらに早くからチャイムが鳴ります。チャイムは午前7時、午前10時、午後12時、午後3時、午後5時に鳴ります。これでも十分ひどいことですが、今では私たちは毎日アナウンスにもさらされています。アナウンスは毎日午前 7 時 30 分と午後 7 時 30 分にスピーカーで放送され、多くの場合、追加のアナウンスが 1 日を通して放送されます。アナウンスは大音量で非常に煩わしく、多くの場合、地元住民のごく一部の人に関係しています。たとえば、中種子町役場で学校調理員2名を募集し、興味のある人は履歴書を提出するよう案内するメッセージがあった。ファーマーズマーケットのお知らせもあります。最も迷惑なアナウンスは、学校の休暇中に生徒が毎日午後 5 時 30 分に帰宅するように指示されるときです。アナウンスがうるさくて迷惑です。アナウンスは少なくとも 1 日に 2 回放送されます。

The announcements in the morning (7:30 am !!!!) begin with the following statement:
  • 町民の皆様、おはようございます。こちらは、防災中種子町役場です。 (Japanese)
  • Chōmin no minasama, ohayōgozaimasu. Kochira wa, bōsai Nakatane chōyakubadesu. (Romaji)
  • Good morning, townspeople. This is the disaster prevention Nakatane Town Hall. (English)
The announcements in the evening (7:30 pm !!!!) begin with the following statement:
  • 町民の皆様、お疲れ様です。こちらは、防災中種子町役場です。 (Japanese)
  • Chōmin no minasama, otsukaresamadesu. Kochira wa, bōsai Nakatane chōyakubadesu. (Romaji)
  • Thank you to all the townspeople for your hard work. This is the disaster prevention Nakatane Town Hall. (English)
Notice in the introductory statements of both the morning and the evening announcements, the word disaster (防災 bōsai) is used. This is obviously required in all announcements by the Japanese government since the broadcasts are part of the Japan Disaster Prevention Radio System. The fact is, the Nakatane Town announcements have NOTHING to do with disasters and constitute Nakatane Town Abuse, Misuse, and Overuse of the Disaster Prevention Radio System.


The loudspeakers are installed on poles along the main streets of Nakatane Town. Because of the close positioning of the speakers, an individual announcement can often be listened to four times on windless days. The overlapping announcements cannot even be understood and a repeated four minute message can last for over ten minutes. The messages play every morning and every evening during the times most valued for relaxing, when getting up and after a full day of work. The announcements disrupt the valued time of drinking a quiet cup of coffee in the morning and a nice glass of Cabernet wine in the evening.

拡声器は中種子町の目抜き通り沿いのポールに設置されています。スピーカーの位置が近いため、風のない日には個別のアナウンスを 4 回聞くこともできます。重複したアナウンスは理解することさえできず、4分間のメッセージの繰り返しが10分以上続くこともあります。メッセージは毎朝と毎晩、起床時や一日の仕事の後など、リラックスするのに最も価値のある時間帯に再生されます。朝は静かにコーヒーを飲み、夜は美味しいカベルネワインを一杯飲むという貴重な時間が、アナウンスによって妨げられる。

In addition, our kids are being home educated. This means they are on their own schedules including sleeping. The importance of a good nights sleep is a well known health related fact. We allow our kids to sleep until they are ready to get up naturally. The 7:00 am time chimes and the 7:30 am announcements are loud and echo in our bedroom and frequently startle them out of a restful sleep. This is unacceptable for us.

さらに、私たちの子供たちは家庭教育を受けています。これは、彼らが睡眠も含めて自分のスケジュールに従っていることを意味します。良質な睡眠の重要性は、健康に関連するよく知られた事実です。私たちは子供たちが自然に起きられるようになるまで寝かせています。午前 7 時のタイムチャイムと午前 7 時半のアナウンスは寝室に大きく響き渡り、しばしば驚いて安らかな眠りを妨げられます。これは私たちにとって容認できないことです。

The announcements destroy the peace and serenity of Nakatane town and the beautiful beaches and outside spaces of Tanegashima island. Many of my foreign friends who are living on Tanegashima island, and those who have stayed here and returned home, often complained about the loud and offensive public announcements broadcast over the street speakers. The noise is definitely a negative factor for non Japanese visitors to Tanegashima and negatively impacts the tourism industry of the island.


The technology is already in place on Tanegashima which allows residents to receive announcements in their homes over speakers which Nakatane Town provides. This allows residents to be given a choice of whether or not they want to receive these announcements. No announcements should be broadcast over public areas unless it is an emergency situation such as typhoons, earthquake related evacuation procedures, or invasion from foreign forces.


Japan as a country tends to be behind the world when it comes to social change and this is simply another example of government abuse of a system which by definition, should only be used in emergency situations. Japanese culture classes taught at universities in foreign countries show Japan to be a country of peace and serenity, when in fact Japan is one of the noisiest countries in The World.


America dealt with a similar situation almost forty years ago and issued the following law.

アメリカはほぼ 40 年前に同様の状況に対処し、次の法律を発行しました。

Inadequately controlled noise presents a growing danger to the psychological and physical health and welfare of the Nations population. The Noise Control Act of 1972 establishes a national policy to promote an environment for all Americans free from noise that jeopardizes their health and welfare.

騒音が不適切に管理されていると、国民の心理的、身体的健康と福祉に対する危険が増大しています。 1972 年の騒音規制法は、すべてのアメリカ人の健康と福祉を脅かす騒音のない環境を促進する国家政策を定めています。

The use of loudspeakers in public places, such as announcing local events, was abolished many years ago. Now the American Public Broadcast System is used only for emergencies.
Main Issues Concerning Nakatane Town Announcements
  • Announcements are not about emergencies.
  • アナウンスは緊急事態に関するものではありません。
  • Announcements apply only to a small proportion of the population.
  • アナウンスは人口のごく一部にのみ適用されます。
  • Announcements from street speakers are unintelligible due to low quality sound, atmospheric conditions, and overlapping announcements.
  • 街頭スピーカーからのアナウンスは、低品質の音声、大気の状態、重複したアナウンスのせいで聞き取りにくくなります。
  • Announcements create unnecessary manmade noise which is both physiologically and psychologically damaging to people, especially kids.
  • アナウンスは不必要な人工騒音を発生させ、人々、特に子供たちに生理学的にも心理的にも悪影響を及ぼします。
  • Announcements destroy the peace and serenity of Nakatane town and the beautiful beaches and outside spaces of Tanegashima island.
  • アナウンスは中種子町の平和と静けさを破壊し、種子島の美しいビーチや屋外空間を破壊します。
  • Announcements appear to be forced with Nakatane town using insignificant information to make daily broadcasts.
  • 中種子町は取るに足らない情報を使って毎日放送するなど、アナウンスを強行しているようだ。
  • Advanced technology exists to deliver announcements only to those people who want to receive them by choice using: in home speakers, computers and tablets, cellular phones.
  • 家庭用スピーカー、コンピューター、タブレット、携帯電話などを使用して、希望する人々にのみアナウンスを配信するための高度なテクノロジーが存在します。
  • 人々は屋外及び自宅の空間で、平和と静寂を得る権利があるべきです
  • 公共のスピーカーは緊急事態にのみ使用されるべきです
What We Want

We are asking the officials of the Nakatane Town Administration Office to discontinue their Abuse, Misuse, and Overuse of the Disaster Prevention Radio System. We are asking that only announcements pertaining to actual emergencies be broadcast over the public speaker system. We are asking that all non emergency announcements be broadcast only to residents who want to receive them using the advanced technology currently available including but not limited to: home speakers, computers and tablets, and cellular phones. We plan to bring this matter to the appropriate Japanese agencies concerned with disaster prevention and noise pollution reduction. We are hoping the Nakatane Town Administration Officials will have the intelligence and sense to return the peace and serenity to Nakatane town and to the beautiful beaches and outside spaces of Tanegashima island.


Japanese Sheeple

Foreigners have claimed that Japanese people are the ultimate "Sheeple", which is a portmanteau of the words "sheep" and "people", and describes individuals who are compliant, docile, foolish, easily influenced, easily led, and those who follow rules, obey authority, and do as they are told to do. The "sheeple" mentality of Japanese citizens allows them to accept these insignificant and noisy announcements without question. Many people have compared the announcements to a form of brainwashing and an attempt to keep the residents of Nakatane Town as a close and cohesive group. Many of our friends who moved to Tanegashima, both Foreigners and Japanese, have since moved out and most of them stated the backward and archaic thinking of the local administration was primarily to blame for their decision to leave this beautiful place. This is a product of a country which was closed for centuries, a culture that is deeply rooted in the minds of Japanese, and a way of keeping the residents controlled and directed. This can be seen in many of the announcements, especially during school vacations when announcements are broadcast in the afternoon instructing kids to go home. The situation is very reminiscent of the book "1984" written by George Orwell and published in 1949. This may have been an effective means of control many years ago, but with the advent of the Internet and social media, people and especially young adults, are not willing to accept this anymore. The time chimes are an effective means of citizen control. The following are the Nakatane town time chimes and their purpose:

外国人は、日本人は究極の「羊」であると主張しています。これは、「羊」と「人々」という言葉のかばん語であり、従順で、従順で、愚かで、影響されやすく、誘導されやすく、規則に従う個人を指します。 、権威に従い、言われたとおりに行動します。日本国民の「羊」精神は、これらの取るに足らない騒がしい発表を何の疑問も持たずに受け入れることを可能にします。多くの人がこの発表をある種の洗脳であり、中種子町の住民を緊密で団結したグループとして維持しようとする試みであると比較している。種子島に移住した外国人も日本人も含めた多くの友人たちはその後引っ越してしまいましたが、彼らのほとんどは、この美しい場所を離れる決断をした主な原因は地元行政の後進的で時代遅れの考え方にあると述べました。これは何世紀にもわたって鎖国していた国の産物であり、日本人の心に深く根付いた文化であり、住民を管理し指示し続ける方法です。これは多くのアナウンスで見られ、特に学校の休暇中は午後に子供たちに帰宅を指示するアナウンスが放送されます。この状況は、1949 年に出版されたジョージ オーウェルの著書「1984 年」を非常に思い出させます。これは何年も前には効果的な統制手段だったのかもしれませんが、インターネットとソーシャル メディアの出現により、人々、特に若者は、もうこれを受け入れるつもりはありません。報時チャイムは住民管理の効果的な手段です。中種子町の時鐘とその目的は次のとおりです。
  • 7:00 am (long version) - pushing people to get up and off to work and school
  • 午前 7 時 (ロングバージョン) - 人々に起床と仕事や学校への出発を促す
  • 10:00 am (short version) - telling people it is mid morning and to keep working
  • 午前 10:00 (短縮バージョン) - 午前中なので仕事を続けるように人々に伝えます
  • 12:00 pm  (long version) - telling people it is time to eat lunch
  • 午後 12:00(ロングバージョン) - 昼食の時間ですと伝える
  • 3:00 pm (short version) - telling people it is mid afternoon and to keep working
  • 午後 3 時 (短いバージョン) - 午後半ばだから仕事を続けるように人々に伝える
  • 5:00 pm  (long version) - telling people it is time to go home
  • 午後 5 時(ロングバージョン) - 家に帰る時間だと伝える
The Japan Disaster Prevention Radio System

J-Alert (Japanese: J-ALERT/Jアラート, romanized: J Arāto; full name 全国瞬時警報システム, Zenkoku Shunji Keihō Shisutemu, 'National Early Warning System') is the early warning system used in Japan. J-Alert was launched in February 2007. The system is designed to quickly inform the public of threats and emergencies such as earthquakes, severe weather, and other dangers. The system was developed in the hope that early warnings would speed up evacuation times and help coordinate emergency response.

J-Alert(日本語: J-ALERT/ジャラート、ローマ字: J Arāto、正式名称全国緊急警報システム、全国緊急警報システム、「National Early Warning System」)は、日本で使用されている早期警報システムです。 Jアラートは2007年2月に開始されました。このシステムは、地震、悪天候、その他の危険などの脅威や緊急事態を国民に迅速に知らせることを目的としています。このシステムは、早期警報によって避難時間が短縮され、緊急対応の調整に役立つことを期待して開発されました。

Click to see full size picture
How it Works

J-Alert is a satellite based system that allows authorities to quickly broadcast alerts to local media and to citizens directly via a system of nationwide loudspeakers, television, radio, email, and cell broadcasts. According to Japanese officials, it takes about one second to inform local officials, and between four and twenty seconds to relay the message to citizens. An enhanced version of the J-Alert receivers were installed by the end of March 2019. The new models can automatically process the information within two seconds, compared to the older models that can take up to twenty seconds.

Jアラートは衛星ベースのシステムで、当局が全国規模の拡声器、テレビ、ラジオ、電子メール、携帯放送のシステムを介して、地元メディアや国民に直接警報を迅速に放送することができます。日本の当局者らによると、現地当局への情報伝達には約1秒、国民への伝達には4~20秒かかるという。 Jアラート受信機の強化版は2019年3月末までに導入された。情報の自動処理が旧型では最大20秒かかるのに対し、新型では2秒以内に完了する。
J-Alert Intended Uses

When the J-Alert was launched in 2007, it was designed for emergencies only and not for the dissemination of community events and information. In fact, the system was only designed for the following situations:

2007 年に J アラートが開始されたとき、J アラートは緊急事態のみを目的として設計されており、地域のイベントや情報の普及を目的としていませんでした。実際、このシステムは次の状況のみを想定して設計されています。
  • Earthquake
  • 地震
  • Earthquake Early Warning
  • 緊急地震速報
  • Quick updates on hypocenter, magnitude, and precautions of possible tsunami
  • 津波の震源、規模、注意事項を速報します
  • Information of hypocenter, magnitude, intensities of various areas, and the presence of tsunami
  • 震源、マグニチュード、各地域の強度、津波の有無などの情報
  • Earthquake prediction warning for the Tōkai earthquakes
  • 東海地震に対する地震予知警報
  • Earthquake prediction advisory information of the Tōkai earthquakes
  • 東海地震の地震予知注意情報
  • Earthquake prediction information of the Tōkai earthquakes
  • 東海地震の地震予知情報
  • Tsunami
  • 津波
  • Major tsunami warning
  • 大津波警報
  • Tsunami warning
  • 津波警報
  • Tsunami advisory
  • 津波注意報
  • Volcano eruption
  • 火山の噴火
  • Emergency warning of volcanic eruption and the possibility of eruption
  • 火山噴火に関する緊急警報及び噴火の可能性
  • Warning of volcanic eruption and the possibility of eruption
  • 火山噴火への警戒と噴火の可能性
  • Volcanic crater forecast
  • 火山の火口予報
  • Severe weather
  • 悪天候
  • Emergency warnings for heavy rain, heavy snow, gale, snowstorm, waves, and storm surge
  • 大雨、大雪、強風、吹雪、波、高潮に特別警報
  • Warnings for heavy rain, heavy snow, gale, snowstorm, waves, and storm surge
  • 大雨、大雪、強風、吹雪、波、高潮に警報
  • Weather advisory
  • 気象注意報
  • Information of the risk of landslides
  • 土砂災害の危険情報
  • Advisory information for tornado
  • 竜巻注意情報
  • Information of violent heavy rain
  • 猛烈な大雨情報
  • Flood forecast
  • 洪水予報
  • Special emergency threats
  • 特別な緊急脅威
  • Information of ballistic missiles
  • 弾道ミサイルに関する情報
  • Information of airstrikes
  • 空爆情報
  • Information of guerrilla and special forces invasions
  • ゲリラや特殊部隊の侵攻情報
  • Information of large-scale terrorism
  • 大規模テロ情報
  • Other information for civil and national defense
  • 民間および国防に関するその他の情報
Nakatane Town Abuse, Misuse, and Overuse of the Disaster Prevention Radio System
中種子町 防災行政無線の悪用・誤用・過剰使用について

Every day Nakatane communities are bombarded with noise via the abuse, misuse, and overuse of the Disaster Prevention Radio System. The system, which was designed for the communication of disaster information and instructions, is being used by the local government and local community groups to relay information that IS NOT related to disasters in any way, and in fact, is often being used to transmit information that only applies to a small group of residents. In addition, time chimes, both long and short versions, are broadcast across the entire town. The announcements begin with the Japanese word 防災 (Bōsai), which means disaster prevention, with the announcements having nothing to do with disaster prevention at all. For example, the following time chimes and announcements were broadcast on February 5 and 6, 2024 which pertained to only a small percentage of the thousands of residents of Nakatane town. This resulted in nine instances of manmade noise on both days.

中種子集落では、防災無線の乱用、誤用、過剰使用により、毎日騒音にさらされています。このシステムは、災害情報や指示の伝達を目的として設計されたものですが、地方自治体や地域コミュニティ団体によって、災害とは関係のない情報を中継するために使用されており、実際、情報伝達によく使用されています。それは少数の住民にのみ適用されます。また、時報はロングバージョンとショートバージョンの両方で町中に放送されます。アナウンスは「防災」という日本語で始まり、防災とは全く関係ありません。たとえば、2024 年 2 月 5 日と 6 日に次のようなタイムチャイムとアナウンスが放送されましたが、これは中種子町の数千人の住民のほんの一部にのみ関係していました。その結果、両日で人工騒音が 9 件発生しました。
  • February 5, 2024 Time Chimes and Announcements (9 SOUNDS IN ONE DAY !!!!)
  • 2024 年 2 月 5 日 タイムチャイムとアナウンス (1 日で 9 音!!!!)
    • 7:00 am time chime (long version)
    • 午前7時のタイムチャイム(ロングバージョン)
    • 7:15 am local announcement - announcement about sugarcane processing being delayed
    • 午前7時15分のローカルアナウンス - サトウキビの加工が遅れていることについてのアナウンス
    • 7:30 am town announcement - regarding the opening of the pension consultation office
    • 午前7時30分 街宣~年金相談所の開設について~
    • 9:40 am town announcement - announcement about private company ferry being cancelled
    • 午前9時40分 町内放送~民間フェリー欠航のアナウンス
    • 10:00 am time chime
    • 午前10時のタイムチャイム
    • 12:00 pm time chime (long version)
    • 午後12時のタイムチャイム(ロングバージョン)
    • 3:00 pm time chime
    • 午後3時のタイムチャイム
    • 5:00 pm time chime (long version)
    • 午後5時のタイムチャイム(ロングバージョン)
    • 7:30 pm town announcement - regarding the opening of the pension consultation office
    • 午後7時30分 街宣~年金相談所の開設について~
  • February 6, 2024 Time Chimes and Announcements (10 SOUNDS IN ONE DAY !!!!)
    • 7:00 am time chime (long version)
    • 午前7時のタイムチャイム(ロングバージョン)
    • 7:15 am local announcement - could not understand due to the wind
    • 午前7時15分の現地アナウンス - 風のため聞き取れませんでした
    • 7:30 am town announcement - regarding the opening of the pension consultation office
    • 午前7時30分 街宣~年金相談所の開設について~
    • 10:00 am time chime
    • 午前10時のタイムチャイム
    • 10:15 am local announcement - could not understand due to the wind
    • 午前10時15分の現地アナウンス - 風のため聞き取れませんでした
    • 12:00 pm time chime (long version)
    • 午後12時のタイムチャイム(ロングバージョン)
    • 3:00 pm time chime
    • 午後3時のタイムチャイム
    • 5:00 pm time chime (long version)
    • 午後5時のタイムチャイム(ロングバージョン)
    • 7:10 am local announcement - could not understand due to the wind
    • 午前7時10分の現地アナウンス - 風のため聞き取れませんでした
    • 7:30 pm town announcement - regarding the opening of the pension consultation office
    • 午後7時30分 街宣~年金相談所の開設について~
Nakatane Town "DISASTER" Announcements for 2024
2024年 中種子町「災害」のお知らせ

The following are recent announcements by Nakatane town listed in reverse chronological order. The announcements are listed in the following format:

Date with announcement topic and details in English
Date with announcement topic and details in Japanese and romaji

Announcements only applies to a small group of town residents.

When reading the following, keep in mind the extent to which these announcements apply to the thousands of residents of Nakatane town. The announcements constitute

中種子町 防災行政無線の悪用・誤用・過剰使用について
  • March 15th and 16th [Planning Division: Regarding the Core Street Morning Market]
  • We will inform you from Core Street.
    A morning market will be held on Saturday, March 16th from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. on Core Street in the Asahicho shopping district.
    It will be held.
    We look forward to seeing you in large numbers.
  • 3月15日・16日【企画課:コアストリート朝市の開催について】
  • コアストリートからお知らせします。
    Koasutorīto kara oshirase shimasu. 3 Tsuki 16-nichi doyōbi, gozen 8-ji kara gozen 11-ji made, Asahimachi shōten-gai koasutorīto ni oite, asaichi o kaisai shimasu. Tasū no go raijō o omachishiteimasu.
  • March 14th and 15th [Regional Welfare Division: Regarding resumption of business at hot spring recreation centers]
  • This will be announced by the Regional Welfare Division.
    The hot spring recreation center will resume operations from Friday, March 15th.
    We look forward to your use.
  • 3月14日・15日【地域福祉課:温泉保養センターの営業再開について】
  • 地域福祉課からお知らせします。
    Chiiki fukushi-ka kara oshirase shimasu. Onsen hoyō sentā wa, 3 tsuki 15-nichi (kin'yōbi) kara, eigyō o saikai shimasu. Chōmin no minasama no go riyō o omachi shite orimasu.
  • March 13th and 14th [Community Welfare Division: Regarding the holding of the memorial service for the war dead]
  • The Regional Welfare Division will notify you.
    The 2020 Nakatane Town War Memorial Ceremony will be held on March 14th (Thursday) at 9:00 a.m. in front of the Chureito Pagoda.
    vinegar. All members of the bereaved family association are requested to attend.
  • 3月13日・14日【地域福祉課:戦没者追悼式の挙行について】
  • 地域福祉課からお知らせいたします。
    Chiiki fukushi-ka kara oshirase itashimasu.-Rei wa 6-nen Nakatane-chō senbotsu-sha tsuitō-shiki o 3 tsuki 14-nichi (ki) gozen 9-ji kara, chūrei-tō mae nite kyokō shima su. Izoku-kai no minasama no o sanretsu o onegai itashimasu.
  • March 10th to 12th [General Affairs Division: Regarding the opening of the administrative consultation center]
  • Announcement details were unavailable.
  • 3月10日〜12日【総務課:行政相談所の開設について】
  • Announcement details were unavailable.
  • March 8th [Tax Division: Regarding final tax returns]
  • This will be notified by the Tanegashima Tax Office.
    The deadline for filing and paying income tax, special income tax for reconstruction, and gift tax for 2020 is fast approaching.
    I got it.
    If you have not done so yet, please be sure to file your tax return and pay your taxes by March 15th.
  • 3月8日【税務課:確定申告について】
  • 種子島税務署からお知らせします。
    Tanegashima zeimusho kara oshirase shimasu.-Rei wa 5-nen-bun no shotoku zei oyobi fukkō tokubetsu shotoku zei narabini zōyo zei no shinkoku to nōzeikigen ga madjika ni Sakorimashita. Mada, osumi de nai kata wa, kanarazu 3 tsuki 15-nichi made ni shinkoku to nōzei o onegaishimasu.
  • March 7th and 8th [Regional Welfare Division: Regarding temporary closure of hot spring recreation center]
  • This will be announced by the Regional Welfare Division.
    The hot spring recreation center will be temporarily closed for the time being due to an emergency facility inspection.
    We ask for the understanding of all residents.
  • 3月7日・8日【地域福祉課:温泉保養センターの臨時休館について】
  • 地域福祉課からお知らせします。
    Chiiki fukushi-ka kara oshirase shimasu. Onsen hoyō sentā wa, kinkyū shisetsu tenken no tame, tōbun'nokan, rinji kyūgyō to shimasu. Chōmin no minasama no gorikai o onegaishimasu.
  • March 6th to 21st [Assembly Secretariat: About holding the March regular meeting]
  • We would like to inform you about the holding of the regular decision meeting from the Nakatane Town Council.
    The first Nakatane Town Council regular meeting of 2020 will be held from March 6th to March 21st.
    The plenary sessions will be held on the 6th, 19th, and 21st, with general questions on the 19th.
    If you wish to attend the hearing, please arrive at the Congress Secretariat by 9:45 a.m. on the day of the hearing.
    Please come.
  • 3月6日〜21日【議会事務局:3月定例会の開催について】
  • 中種子町議会から決定例会の開催についてお知らせします。
    Nakatane chōgikai kara kettei reikai no kaisai ni tsuite oshirase shimasu.-Rei wa 6-nen dai 1-kai Nakatane chōgikai teirei-kai o, 3 tsuki 6-nichi kara 21-nichi made kaisai shimasu. Honkaigi wa, 6-nichi 19-nichi 21-nichi ni kaisai shi, ippan shitsumon wa 19-nichidesu. Bōchō sa reru kata wa, tōjitsu gozen 9-ji 45-bu made ni gikai jimukyoku e okoshi kudasai.
  • March 2nd and 3rd [Social Education Division: Regarding the holding of Imahime Shrine “Mujoka Hinamatsuri”]
  • This will be announced by the Social Education Division.
    Saturday, March 2nd and Sunday, March 3rd, 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
    The "Mujoka Hinamatsuri" will be held at Masuda Imahime Shrine. In case of rain, Mukai Town
    It will be held at the community center.
    We look forward to seeing you there.
  • 3月2・3日【社会教育課:今姫神社「むじょかひな祭り」の開催について】
  • 社会教育課からお知らせします。
    Shakai kyōiku-ka kara oshirase shimasu. 3 Tsuki 2-nichi doyōbi oyobi 3 tsuki 3-nichi nichiyōbi, gozen 9-ji 30-bu kara gogo 4-ji made Masuda ima Hime jinja ni oite `mujo ka hinamatsuri' ga kaisai sa remasu. Nao, uten no baai wa, mukaimachi kōminkan de no kaisai to narimasu. Minasama no go raijō o omachi shite orimasu.
  • February 23rd and 24th [Social Education Division: About holding a story session]
  • This will be announced from the central community center library.
    Saturday, February 24th from 10:30 a.m. in the small conference room of the Central Community Center.
    We will be holding a story session with everyone from the Nakatane Story Palette.
    In addition to reading picture books, there are also hand-play songs.
    We look forward to welcoming everyone.
  • 2月23・24日【社会教育課:おはなし会の開催について】
  • 中央公民館図書室からお知らせします。
    Chūō kōminkan tosho-shitsu kara oshirase shimasu. 2 Tsuki 24-nichi doyōbi gozen 10-ji 30-bu kara chūō kōminkan ko kaigijitsu ni oi te nakata ne o hanashi paretto no minasan ni yoru o hanashi-kai o kaisai shimasu. Ehon no yomi kika se ta, teasobi uta nado mo arimasu. Minasama no okoshi o omachi shite orimasu.
  • February 22nd and 23rd [Planning Division: Regarding the cancellation of the Nakatane Sakura Festival]
  • This is an announcement from the Nakatane Sakura Festival Executive Committee.
    The Nakatane Sakura Festival was scheduled for February 23rd.
    Canceled due to predicted bad weather.
    We ask for the understanding of all residents.
  • 2月22日・23日【企画課:なかたねさくら祭りの中止について】
  • なかたねさくら祭り実行委員会からお知らせします。
    Naka Tane sakura matsuri jikkō iinkai kara oshirase shimasu. 2 Tsuki 23-nichi ni yotei shite imashita,na kata ne sakura matsuri wa akutenkō ga yosō sa reru tame chūshi shimasu. Chōmin no minasama no gorikai o onegaishimasu.
  • February 19th, 20th, 23rd [Social Education Division: About ancient experience lectures]
  • This will be announced by the Social Education Division.
    Saturday, February 24th from 1:30pm at the Central Community Center Hall
    Ancient experience lecture "Nakatane Town in the ancient times - Miracles of people who lived 10,000 years ago"
    It will be held. Admission is free. Please come and visit us.
  • 2月19・20・23日【社会教育課:古代体験講話について】
  • 社会教育課からお知らせします。
    Shakai kyōiku-ka kara oshirase shimasu. 2 Tsuki 24-nichi (tsuchi), gogo 1-ji 30-bu kara chūō kōminkan dai hōru ni oite kodai taiken kōwa `ōmukashi no Nakatane-chō ~ 10, 000-nen mae ni ikita hitobito no kiseki ~' o kaisai shimasu. Nyūjō wa muryōdesu. Zehi go raijō kudasai.
  • February 19th, 22nd, and 23rd [Self-Defense Force Countermeasures Office: About the Japan Air Self-Defense Force Western Air Band Fureai Concert in Nakatane]
  • We will inform you from the Self-Defense Forces Response Office.
    Friday, February 23rd, Western Air Band Fureai Concert at Tanegashima Corina
    Holds medium seeds.
    Doors open at 1:00 p.m., and the performance begins at 2:00 p.m.
    Admission is free, but admission may be refused once capacity is reached.
    Please do not park on the street.
  • 2月19日・22日・23日【自衛隊対策室:航空自衛隊西部航空音楽隊ふれあいコンサートin中種子について】
  • 自衛隊対策室からお知らせします。
    Jieitai taisaku-shitsu kara oshirase shimasu. 2 Tsuki 23-nichi, kin'yōbi, tanegashima kori ̄ nani oite, seibu kōkū ongaku-tai fureai konsāto in Nakatane o kaisai shimasu. Gogo 1-ji kaijō de, gogo 2-ji kara kaien to narimasu. Nyūjō-ryō wa muryōdesuga, teiin ni nari-shidai nyūjō o okotowari suru baai ga arimasu. Nao, rojō chūsha wa zettai ni okonawanai yō ni shite kudasai.
  • February 16th and 17th [Planning Division: About Core Street Morning Market]
  • We will inform you from Core Street.
    A morning market will be held on Saturday, February 17th from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at Asahicho Shopping District Core Street.
    It will be held.
    We look forward to seeing you in large numbers.
  • 2月16日・17日【企画課:コアストリート朝市について】
  • コアストリートからお知らせします。
    Koasutorīto kara oshirase shimasu. 2 Tsuki 17-nichi doyōbi, gozen 8-ji kara gozen 11-ji made, Asahimachi shōten-gai koasutorīto ni oite, asaichi o kaisai shimasu. Tasū no go raijō o omachishiteimasu.
  • February 16th and 17th [Planning Division: About the launch time of H3 rocket test vehicle No. 2]
  • This is an announcement from the Tanegashima Space Development Promotion Council.
    At Tanegashima Space Center, the second H3 rocket test vehicle will be launched.
    It is scheduled for Saturday, February 17th at 9:22:55.
    Additionally, the Space Science and Technology Museum will be closed on February 17th.
  • 2月16日・17日【企画課:H3ロケット試験機2号機の打上げ時刻について】
  • 種子島宇宙開発促進協議会から,お知らせします。
    Tanegashima uchū kaihatsu sokushin kyōgi-kai kara, oshirase shimasu. Tanegashima uchū sentāde wa, H 3 roketto shiken-ki 2-gōki no uchiage o, 2 tsuki 17-nichi doyōbi 9-ji 22-bu 55-byō ni yotei shite orimasu. Mata, uchū kagaku gijutsu-kan ni tsukimashiteha, 2 tsuki 17-nichi wa kyūkan shimasu.
  • February 16th [Tax Division: Regarding final tax returns]
  • This will be notified by the Tanegashima Tax Office.
    Tax returns for Reiwa 5 will begin from today.
    The deadline for filing and paying income tax, special income tax for reconstruction, and gift tax is March 15th.
    The deadline for filing and paying taxes is April 1st. Early submission and deadline of tax return
    Please pay your tax within the limit.
    In addition, you can easily prepare your tax return at the "Final Tax Return Preparation Corner" on the National Tax Agency website.
    You can create one, so please feel free to use it.
    Also, if you are mailing your tax return and need a reception stamp on your copy, be sure to include a stamp.
    Please enclose the stamped return envelope.
  • 2月16日【税務課:確定申告について】
  • 種子島税務署からお知らせします。
    Tanegashima zeimusho kara oshirase shimasu. Honjitsu kara ryō wa 5-nen-bun no kakuteishinkō ga hajimarimasu. Shotoku zei oyobi fukkō tokubetsu shotoku zei narabini zōyo zei no shinkoku to nōzei no kigen wa 3 tsuki 15-nichi made, shō-hi zei no shinkoku to nōzei no kigen wa 4 tsuki 1-nichi made to natte imasu. Shinkoku-sho no hayame no teishutsu oyobi ki-gen-nai no nōzei o onegaishimasu. Nao, Kokuzeichō hōmupēji no `kakuteishinkō-sho-tō sakusei kōnā'de wa, kantan ni shinkoku-sho no sakusei ga dekimasunode, zehi go riyō kudasai. Mata, shinkoku-sho o yūsō sa reru kata de, shinkoku-sho no hikae ni uketsuke shirushi ga hitsuyōna kata wa, kanarazu kitte o hatta henshin'yōfūtō o dōfū shite kudasai.
  • February 14th and 15th [Planning Division: Regarding the launch of H3 rocket test vehicle No. 2]
  • This is an announcement from the Tanegashima Space Development Promotion Council.
    At the Tanegashima Space Center, the H3 rocket test vehicle No. 2 was postponed.
    The launch is scheduled to take place on Saturday, February 17th.
    The scheduled time slot is from 9:22 to 1:06 p.m.
  • 2月14日・15日【企画課:H3ロケット試験機2号機の打上げについて】
  • 種子島宇宙開発促進協議会から,お知らせします。
    Tanegashima uchū kaihatsu sokushin kyōgi-kai kara, oshirase shimasu. Tanegashima uchū sentāde wa, enki shite orimashita H 3 roketto shiken-ki 2-gōki no uchiage o 2 tsuki 17-nichi doyōbi ni okonau yoteidesu. Yotei jikantai wa, 9-ji 22-bu kara 13-ji 6-budesu.
  • February 13th and 14th [Planning Division: Regarding the postponement of the launch of H3 rocket test vehicle No. 2]
  • This is an announcement from the Tanegashima Space Development Promotion Council.
    The launch of the second H3 rocket test vehicle was scheduled for February 15th.
    It has been postponed.
    The new launch date will be announced as soon as it is decided.
  • 2月13日・14日【企画課:H3ロケット試験機2号機の打上げ延期について】
  • 種子島宇宙開発促進協議会から,お知らせします。
    Tanegashima uchū kaihatsu sokushin kyōgi-kai kara, oshirase shimasu. 2 Tsuki 15-nichi ni yotei shite orimashita, H 3 roketto shiken-ki 2-gōki no uchiage wa, enki to narimashita. Aratana uchiage-bi wa, kettei shi shidai oshirase itashimasu.
  • February 11th [About Shuhei Mainoumi Lecture Sponsored by Yoiraiki Sports Club]
  • We will inform you from Yoiraiki Sports Club.
    A lecture by former sumo wrestler Shuhei Mai-no-umi will be held at Tanegashima Corina from 2:00 pm today.
    I will give. Admission is free.
    Please note that numbered tickets will be issued on the day of the event, but will end once the capacity is reached.
    We look forward to your visit.
  • 2月11日【よいらーいきスポーツクラブ主催舞の海秀平講演会について】
  • よいらーいきスポーツクラブからお知らせします。
    Yoi ra ̄ iki supōtsukurabu kara oshirase shimasu. Honjitsu 14-ji kara, tanegashima korīna ni oite, moto oozumou rikishi no mainoumishūhei-san ni yoru kōen-kai o jitsu hodokoshimasu. Kanran wa muryōdesu. Nao, seiri-ken ni tsukimashite wa tōjitsu mo hakkō shimasuga, teiin ni nari shidai shūryō to narimasu. Minasama no go raijō omachishiteimasu.
  • February 8th [Tax Division: Regarding final tax returns]
  • This will be notified by the Tanegashima Tax Office.
    Final tax returns for 2020 will start from February 16th.
    An "admission ticket" is required to enter the tax return consultation venue.
    “Admission tickets” will be distributed on the day of the event at the venue, but they can be purchased in advance online through LINE.
    It is also possible to go to For more information, please visit the National Tax Agency website or visit Tanegashima
    Please contact the tax office at 0997-22-0440.
  • 2月8日【税務課:確定申告について】
  • 種子島税務署からお知らせします。
    税務署 電話 0997-22-0440 にお尋ねください。
    Tanegashima zeimusho kara oshirase shimasu.-Rei wa 5-nen-bun no kakuteishinkō ga 2 tsuki 16-nichi kara hajimarimasu. Zeimusho no shinkoku sōdan kaijō e no nyūjō ni wa,`nyūjō seiri-ken' ga hitsuyōdesu. `Nyūjō seiri-ken' wa tōjitsu, kaijō de haifu shimasuga, LINE o tsūjita onrain jizen-hatsu gyō mo kanō to natte orimasu. Kuwashiku wa Kokuzeichō hōmupēji o goran itadaku ka, Tanegashima zeimusho denwa 0997 - 22 - 0440 ni otazune kudasai.
  • February 6th and 7th [Regional Welfare Division: Regarding temporary closure of hot spring recreation center]
  • This will be announced by the Regional Welfare Division.
    The hot spring recreation center will be temporarily closed from February 7th (Wednesday) to February 9th (Friday) for facility cleaning work.
    We ask for the understanding of all residents.
  • 2月6日・7日【地域福祉課:温泉保養センターの臨時休館について】
  • 地域福祉課からお知らせします。
    Chiiki fukushi-ka kara oshirase shimasu. Onsen hoyō sentā wa, shisetsu no senjō sagyō no tame, 2 tsuki 7-nichi (mizu)~ 9-nichi (kin) made rinji kyūkan to shimasu. Chōmin no minasama no gorikai o onegaishimasu.
  • February 4th to February 6th [Towns Division: Regarding the opening of the pension consultation office]
  • The Town Citizens Division will notify you.
    On Wednesday, February 7th, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Kagoshima Kita Pension Office will be held in the small conference room of the Central Community Center.
    A ``Pension Consultation Office'' will be established by the local government. Consultations are by advance reservation only, so noon on February 6th.
    Please contact the Town Citizens Division by.
  • 2月4日〜2月6日【町民課:年金相談所の開設について】
  • 町民課からお知らせします。
    Chōmin-ka kara oshirase shimasu. 2 Tsuki 7-nichi suiyōbi, gozen 9-ji kara gogo 1-ji made chūō kōminkan ko kaigijitsu ni oite, Kagoshima Kita nenkin jimu-sho ni yoru `nenkin sōdansho' o kaisetsu shimasu. Jizen yoyaku nomi no sōdan ni narimasunode, 2 tsuki 6-nichi shōgo made ni chōmin-ka e go renraku kudasai.
  • February 2nd and February 3rd [Tanegashima Corina: About the independent cultural project “Natsui Itsuki Haiku Kai Live”]
  • This is an announcement from Corina Tanegashima.
    On Saturday, February 17th, from 2:00 p.m., Mr. Itsuki Natsui will give a presentation at Tanegashima Corina.
    We will be holding a haiku meeting live.
    Tickets are on sale at Tanegashima Corina and each play guide.
    Please see the town homepage for details.
  • 2月2日・2月3日【種子島こりーな:自主文化事業「夏井いつき句会ライブ」について】
  • 種子島こりーなからお知らせします。
    Tanegashima kori ̄ nakara oshirase shimasu. 2 Tsuki 17-nichi doyōbi, gogo 2-ji kara tanegashima kori ̄ nani oite natsui itsuki sensei ni yorimasu kukai raibu o kaisai shimasu. Chiketto wa tanegashima kori ̄na kaku pureigaido nite hanbai-chūdesu. Kuwashiku wa machi hōmupēji o goran kudasai.
  • February 1st, 2nd, 5th, 9th [Lunch Center: Regarding recruitment of cooks]
  • The school lunch center is recruiting for two full-time cooks for the fiscal year 2020. Response
    The deadline for applications is February 16th.
    For more information, please contact the School Lunch Center at ℡27-1221.
  • 2月1日・2日・5日・9日【給食センター:調理員の募集について】
  • 給食センターでは令和6年度会計年度任用職員,フルタイム調理員2名の募集を行います。応
    Kyūshoku sentāde wa ryō wa 6-nendo kaikei nendo nin'yō shokuin, furutaimu chōri-in 2-mei no boshū o okonaimasu. 応 Tsuno shimekiri wa 2 tsuki 16-nichi madedesu. Kuwashiku wa kyūshoku sentā ℡ 27 - 1221 made o toiawase kudasai.
  • January 27th and 28th [Town Citizens Division: Regarding my number card application and issuance]
  • The Town Citizens Division will inform you about My Number card application and issuance.
    The resident counter will be open from 8:30 a.m. to noon on Sunday, January 28th.
    Our only job is to apply for My Number Card and receive the card.
    Please use all means.
  • 1月27日・28日【町民課:マイナンバーカード申請及び交付について】
  • 町民課からマイナンバーカード申請及び交付についてお知らせします。
    Chōmin-ka kara mainanbākādo shinsei oyobi kōfu ni tsuite oshirase shimasu. 1 Tsuki 28-nichi nichiyōbi, gozen 8: 30 Kara shōgo made jūmin madoguchi o kaichō shimasu. Mainanbākādo shinsei oyobi kādo no juryō nomi no gyōmu to narimasu. Zehi, go riyō kudasai.
  • January 25th and 26th [Towns Division: Regarding illegal dumping]
  • The Town Citizens Division will notify you.
    There are many cases of illegal dumping in the town.
    Please reconfirm the separation of garbage, designated collection days, and collection locations, and cooperate in ensuring that the rules are properly followed.
    I would like
  • 1月25日・26日【町民課:不法投棄について】
  • 町民課からお知らせします。
    Chōmin-ka kara oshirase shimasu. Chōnai ni oite, fuhō tōki ga tasū miuke raremasu. Gomi no bunbetsu, kimerareta shūshūhi, shūshū basho o sai kakunin shi, rūru o kichinto mamoru yō, go kyōryoku o onegaishimasu.
  • January 26th and January 27th [Tanegashima Corina: About the 15th Hometown Landscape Painting Exhibition and Hidaka Hidaka Painting Exhibition]
  • This is an announcement from Corina Tanegashima.
    From February 1st to February 17th, it will be held at Tanegashima Corina in conjunction with the “Hidaka Yo Painting Exhibition.”
    "The 15th Hometown Landscape Painting Exhibition" will be held.
    We will exhibit works by local children and paintings by artist Hidaka Shō. Admission is free, so please take a look.
  • 1月26日・1月27日【種子島こりーな:「第15回ふるさとの風景画作品展並びに日髙蔀絵画展」について】
  • 種子島こりーなからお知らせします。
    Tanegashima kori ̄ nakara oshirase shimasu. 2 Tsuki 1-nichi kara 2 tsuki 17-nichi made no ma, tanegashima kori ̄ nani oite `Ni~Tsu 髙蔀 Kaiga-ten' to awa sete `dai 15-kai furusato no fūkei-ga sakuhin-ten' o kaisai shimasu. Chōnai jidō seito no sakuhin ya Ni~Tsu 髙蔀 Gahaku no kaiga o tenji shimasu. Nyūjō wa muryōdesunode, zehi goran kuda sai
  • January 22nd and 23rd [Towns Division: About letting dogs run free]
  • Announcement details were unavailable.
  • 1月22日・23日【町民課:犬の放し飼いについて】
  • Announcement details were unavailable.
  • January 19th and 20th [Planning Division: About Core Street Morning Market]
  • We will inform you from Core Street.
    Morning market will be held on Saturday, January 20th from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at Asahicho Shopping District Core Street.
    It will be held.
    We look forward to seeing you in large numbers.
  • 1月19日・20日【企画課:コアストリート朝市について】
  • コアストリートからお知らせします。
    Koasutorīto kara oshirase shimasu. 1 Tsuki 20-nichi doyōbi, gozen 8-ji kara gozen 11-ji made, Asahimachi shōten-gai koasutorīto ni oite, asaichi o kaisai shimasu. Tasū no go raijō o omachishiteimasu.
  • January 18th and January 19th [Regional Welfare Division: Regarding change in opening date of Link Plaza]
  • This will be announced by the Regional Welfare Division.
    The rink plaza scheduled for Saturday, January 27th at 9am has been rescheduled to Saturday, January 20th at 9am.
    have become.
    We look forward to welcoming everyone.
  • 1月18日・1月19日【地域福祉課:リンクの広場開所日変更について】
  • 地域福祉課からお知らせします。
    Chiiki fukushi-ka kara oshirase shimasu. 1 Tsuki 27-nichi doyōbi gozen 9-ji kara yotei shite ita, rinku no hiroba wa, 1 tsuki 20-nichi doyōbi gozen 9-ji kara ni henkō to narimashita. Minasama no okoshi o omachi shite orimasu.
  • January 15th, 19th, 20th [Planning Division: Regarding the Nankai Morning Market]
  • This is an announcement from the Nankai Morning Market Executive Committee.
    A morning market will be held at Sakai Park on Sunday, January 21st from 8am.
    We sell fresh fish, etc. We look forward to seeing you in large numbers.
  • 1月15日・19日・20日【企画課:南界朝市の開催について】
  • 南界朝市実行委員会からお知らせします。
    Nankai asaichi jikkō iinkai kara oshirase shimasu. 1 Tsuki 21-nichi nichiyōbi gozen 8-ji kara, Sakai kōen de `asaichi' o kaisai shimasu. Sengyo nado no hanbai o okonaimasu. Tasū no go raijō o omachishiteimasu.
  • January 12th, 13th and 14th [About the independent cultural project “Natsui Itsuki Haiku Kai Live”]
  • This is an announcement from Corina Tanegashima.
    "Natsui Itsuki Haiku Kai Live" will be held at Tanegashima Corina on Saturday, February 17th from 2:00 p.m.
    It will be held. Tickets are on sale at Tanegashima Corina and each play guide.
    For more information, please see the town homepage or the December issue of the town newsletter.
  • 1月12日・13日・14日【自主文化事業「夏井いつき句会ライブ」について】
  • 種子島こりーなからお知らせします。
    Tanegashima kori ̄ nakara oshirase shimasu. 2 Tsuki 17-nichi doyōbi, gogo 2-ji kara tanegashima kori ̄ nani oite `natsui itsuki kukai raibu' o kaisai shimasu. Chiketto wa tanegashima kori ̄na kaku pureigaido nite hanbai-chūdesu. Kuwashiku wa machi hōmupēji o goran'ninaru ka, machi kōhō-shi 12 tsuki-gō o goran kudasai.
  • January 11th and 12th [Townsman Division: Regarding opening of special human rights consultation]
  • Announcement details were unavailable.
  • 1月11日・12日【町民課:特設人権相談の開設について】
  • Announcement details were unavailable.
  • January 10th and 11th [Planning Division: About the launch time of H-IIA rocket No. 48]
  • This is an announcement from the Tanegashima Space Development Promotion Council.
    Tanegashima Space Center will launch H-IIA rocket No. 48 on January 12th.
    It is scheduled for Friday at 1:44:26 p.m.
    Additionally, the Space Science and Technology Museum will be closed on January 12th.
  • 1月10日・11日【企画課:H-ⅡAロケット48号機の打ち上げ時刻について】
  • 種子島宇宙開発促進協議会から、お知らせします。
    Tanegashima uchū kaihatsu sokushin kyōgi-kai kara, oshirase shimasu. Tanegashima uchū sentāde wa, H - Ⅱ A roketto 48-gōki no uchiage o, 1 tsuki 12-nichi kin'yōbi gogo 1-ji 44-bu 26-byō ni yotei shite orimasu. Mata, uchū kagaku gijutsu-kan ni tsukimashiteha, 1 tsuki 12-nichi wa kyūkan shimasu.
  • January 9th and 10th [Planning Division: Regarding postponement of launch of H-IIA rocket No. 48]
  • This is an announcement from the Tanegashima Space Development Promotion Council.
    The launch of H-IIA rocket No. 48, scheduled for January 11th,
    It has been postponed to January 12th.
    Additionally, the Space Science and Technology Museum will be closed on January 12th.
  • 1月9日・10日【企画課:H-ⅡAロケット48号機打ち上げ延期について】
  • 種子島宇宙開発促進協議会から,お知らせします。
    Tanegashima uchū kaihatsu sokushin kyōgi-kai kara, oshirase shimasu. 1 Tsuki 11-nichi ni yotei shite orimashita, H - Ⅱ A roketto 48-gōki no uchiage wa, 1 tsuki 12-nichi ni enki to narimashita. Mata, uchū kagaku gijutsu-kan ni tsukimashiteha, 1 tsuki 12-nichi wa kyūkan shimasu.
  • January 7th to 9th [Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Division: Regarding the installation of “signs” at sugarcane seedling farms]
  • This is an announcement from Tanegashima Agricultural Corporation.
    For farms that have outsourced harvester work and have fields for collecting seedlings,
    Please contact the relevant production association and agricultural corporation as soon as possible and be sure to set up a sign.
  • 1月7日〜9日【農林水産課:さとうきび自家採苗圃場の「立て札」設置について】
  • 種子島農業公社からお知らせします。
    Tanegashima nōgyō kōsha kara oshirase shimasu. Hābesutā sagyō e itaku shita hojō de, tane-yō ni saibyō suru hojō ga aru nōka ni tsuite wa, jutaku suru seisan kumiai oyobi nōgyō kōsha e o hayame ni renraku o shi, kanarazu `tatefuda' no setchi o onegaishimasu.
Additional Reading