Nakatane Town Air Pollution

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For three years we lived in the Nishino District of Minamitane Town on Tanegashima Island. During those years none of our neighbors were burning their trash, at least as far as we knew. After a few months in America we returned to the island and purchased a property in the Noma District of Nakatane Town. Most of the neighbors in this place burn their trash, especially the adjacent neighbor.

Toxic Fumes

This has been a problem for us from the beginning. During the Summer especially, our neighbor would burn his trash in an incinerator in his backyard. We leave all of windows open during the Summer to enjoy the fresh air. Many days our bedroom was filled with smoke and the toxic fumes of burning plastic, Styrofoam, and other manmade materials. We went and asked the neighbor not to burn garbage any more but he continued.

Nakatana Town Contacted

We contacted some of the officials of Nakatane Town and they spoke with the neighbor about the burning garbage. This also had no affect and the neighbor continued to burn garbage. The only choice was to call the police. They came out and told the neighbor it was illegal to burn anything, including natural materials such as grass and wood, and instructed him to remove the trash burning receptacle from his backyard.

Burning Continues

Then soon after the neighbor began trimming the grass and bushes in his adjacent farm and began hiding his garbage in the grass and bushes and burning huge piles directly adjacent to our property. For a couple of days we could not use our backyard, pieces of ash made a mess all over our property, and our laundry smelled like smoke. We decided to call the police again and they once again told him to discontinue burning any materials on his property and they took his picture next to the pile of burning materials. About a week later he began burning materials again in almost exactly the same place including trash. The police were called once again and took his picture next to the piles of materials again.

Farm Burning

We realize the need for local farmers to burn grass, weeds, and wood in order to make their farming easier. We don't mind this but the burning of trash is unacceptable. This releases toxic fumes into the air and is a health and safety issue. We believe many of the Nakatane Town residents burn their trash to avoid paying the fees to purchase the required town trash bags. When we throw out our trash every week there is often little or no trash from other families in the trash bin.

What We Want

We are now requesting Nakatane Town make trash disposal free for residents in order to encourage them to throw out and not burn their trash. We are also requesting stricter enforcement of the existing rules for burning in a residential area.

Trash burning Facts

The open burning of waste is a disposal method of waste or garbage. It is a disposal method used globally, but often used in low and middle-income countries that lack adequate waste disposal infrastructure. Numerous governments and institutions have identified the open burning of waste as a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. It also poses health risks with the cocktail of air pollutants often created when waste is burned in an open air environment.


At COP26 open waste burning was raised as a major contributor to climate change. It produces a wide range of atmospheric pollutants including short lived climate pollutants (SLCPs), such as black carbon (BC). BC emissions are a major source of fine particulate matter, with a climate change impact up to 5,000 greater than CO2.

COP26では、廃棄物の野焼きが気候変動の主な原因として取り上げられました。ブラックカーボン(BC)などの短寿命気候汚染物質(SLCP)を含む幅広い大気汚染物質を生成します。 BC の排出は微小粒子状物質の主要な発生源であり、気候変動への影響は CO2 より最大 5,000 倍大きくなります。

The United Nations has raised concerns about the amount of black carbon and methane produced from open burning as a method of waste disposal. Many cities and regions suffer with air pollution and low air quality as a direct result of open burning of waste.


According to the Canadian government it is common for many toxic gases to be released into the atmosphere as a result of open burning of waste. They can include arsenic, mercury, lead, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides. Studies by researchers from London's King’s and Imperial colleges both showed that burning of polystyrene and polyethylene terephthalate produce high amounts of soot. Both are common in plastic water bottles.


The climate change conference COP26 held an official side event focused on raising awareness of the open burning of waste. In September 2022, an agreement was reached on reducing open waste burning in Africa at the 18th session of the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN). The conference hosted delegates from 54 African countries.

気候変動会議COP26では、廃棄物の野焼きに対する意識向上に焦点を当てた公式サイドイベントが開催された。 2022年9月、アフリカ環境閣僚会議(AMCEN)の第18回会合で、アフリカにおける野焼き廃棄物の削減について合意に達しました。この会議にはアフリカ 54 か国の代表者が参加しました。
Burn Piles

The burn pile or the burn pit is one of the simplest and earliest forms of waste disposal, essentially consisting of a mound of combustible materials piled on the open ground and set on fire, leading to pollution.

バーンパイルまたはバーンピットは、廃棄物処理の最も単純かつ初期の形式の 1 つであり、基本的には可燃性物質の山を野外に積み上げて火をつけ、汚染を引き起こします。

Burn piles can and have spread uncontrolled fires, for example, if the wind blows burning material off the pile into surrounding combustible grasses or onto buildings. As interior structures of the pile are consumed, the pile can shift and collapse, spreading the burn area. Even in a situation of no wind, small lightweight ignited embers can lift off the pile via convection, and waft through the air into grasses or onto buildings, igniting them. Burn piles often do not result in full combustion of waste and therefore produce particulate pollution.


Backyard barrel burning of household and garden wastes, still allowed in some rural areas, generates 580 grams (20 oz) of dioxins annually. Studies conducted by the US-EPA demonstrated that one family using a burn barrel produced more emissions than an incineration plant disposing of 200 metric tons (220 short tons) of waste per day by 1997 and five times that by 2007 due to increased chemicals in household trash and decreased emission by municipal incinerators using better technology.

Health Effects

Scientific researchers have investigated the human health effects of pollutants produced by waste incineration. Many studies have examined health impacts from exposure to pollutants utilizing U.S. EPA modeling guidelines. Exposure through inhalation, ingestion, soil, and dermal contact are incorporated in these models. Research studies have also assessed exposure to pollutants through blood or urine samples of residents. Findings from a systematic review of previous research identified a number of symptoms and diseases related to incinerator pollution exposure. These include neoplasia, respiratory issues, congenital anomalies, and infant deaths or miscarriages. Some studies also identified possible cancer risk. Simply put, trash burning in residential areas should not be allowed.

科学研究者たちは、廃棄物の焼却によって生成される汚染物質が人体に及ぼす影響を調査しました。多くの研究が、米国 EPA モデリング ガイドラインを利用して、汚染物質への曝露による健康への影響を調査しています。これらのモデルには、吸入、経口摂取、土壌、皮膚接触による暴露が組み込まれています。研究研究では、住民の血液または尿サンプルを通じて汚染物質への曝露も評価されています。過去の研究の系統的レビューからの結果により、焼却炉の汚染暴露に関連する多くの症状や病気が特定されました。これらには、新生物、呼吸器疾患、先天異常、乳児の死亡または流産が含まれます。いくつかの研究では、癌のリスクの可能性も特定されました。簡単に言えば、住宅地でのゴミの焼却は許されるべきではありません。
Additional Reading